:: Life is Good ::

Lay by Just Me

the Arts of Recovering ..FIDO ((Forget it, Drive on!))

What D'I love??
I love a beautiful Sunset, unless it's too bright that I need to squint!



Things that matter

*It doesn't matter about the color of your skin,
but the content of your character.
*It doesn't matter what neighborhood you live in,
but how you treat your neighborhood.
*It doesn't matter how many friends you have,
but how many people to whom you are a friend.
*It doesn't matter about the number of clothes in your closet,
but how many you help to clothe
*It doesn't matter about your job title is,
but if you perform your job to the best of your ability
*It doesn't matter the square footage of your house,
but how many people you welcome into your home
Friends are like stars,
you don't always see them but you know they're always there;
Keep them close!


  • A true friend is someone who will always be,
    always be there when a friend is in need.

    A true friend is someone who will see the
    things that you see and never disrespect you
    for what you believe.

    A true friend will be there from the start
    and gives you their whole heart.

    A true friend will never push you away and
    they only say things that will make you stay.

    A true friend will make you feel warm inside
    and not cold like a true winters night.

    I am so glad I can call you a true friend,
    for you have done all the things that make
    you my friend.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, @ 12:16 PM  

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Although I had a perfectly nice childhood,
I did not enjoy being a child...
I wanted to be a grown up
and be control of my own life.

So when I get the job out of the country,
I was ecstatic.
Finally I would have my own life;
Independent from my family
and, may be, I though,
If I was lucky
something exciting may
Happen to me in my new world All thatmattered is
I had to take responsibily for myslef.
If I can do that,
my life would be about more than the things I did;
It would be about how I did them!

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